Saturday, March 19, 2011

Project: Yoga

On my first day of Project: Yoga...success! Because I can't seem to "just do" anything, I have to name my efforts. Thus, Project:Yoga. It's a big name for a simple 10-minute per day goal but that's how I roll! So, 10 minutes done. Granted, I was on the phone for part of it chatting with a friend and playing with my daughter for the other part of my meager 10 minutes. But, totally worth it to let her be a part of my practice! She was walking under and around my downward dogs and copying me in Cobbler's Pose! Such happiness...makes me feel that this is how it might be possible to fit this in every day!;-) So inspired am I that I went on Cafe Press and started making my own shirts! Tomorrow's yoga adventure is going to be a yoga mala class. I wonder if I have 108 sun salutations in me????

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